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  • Mahaulepu
    November 14, 2013
    Mahaulepu Coastline

    The Mahaulepu coastline stretches almost 6 miles east from Poipu to Kipu Kai and is a wonderful site for beaches and scenery. There is great hiking, snorkeling, horseback riding, and cave exploration as well.

    Mahaulepu Cliffs
    Mahaulepu Sharp Cliffs

    Craggy cliffs with sharp edges adorn the shoreline and there are numerous trails along the ocean that meander through a patchwork of ironwood, palm trees, naupaka, and small rocky beaches.

    Makauwehi Cave

    Back from the largest stretch of sand is Makauwehi Cave, lying next to a stream that is fed from Waita Resevoir near the historic Koloa Sugar Mill. This cave has been excavated as an ancient archaeological site containing Hawaiian artifacts and certain bones of extinct bird species. The cave area has recently been restored with native vegetation thanks in large part to the efforts of the National Tropical Botanical Gardens. The area is special to Islanders because of the vast shoreline’s lack of development and infrastructure is one the last few remaining on Kauai. Organizations like Malama Mahaulepu and the Sierra Club hope to keep it that way.